Clorinde Kit, abilities, play style and constellation – Genshin 4.7 Banners

Clorinde Kit – Welcome back, travelers, in article video let’s talk more about Clorinde kit, abilities, play style and constellation. Clorinde has the thunder element and uses a sword during battle. All of this was confirmed by the Hoyoverse during the Genie Mission of Fontaine. Now talk about Chlorinde kit.

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Clorinde Kit Gameplay

Clorinde Kit

Chlorinde kit – Trust According to available sources, she is likely to be an on-field attacker. Additionally, some of her early constellations have been revealed, as has her gameplay style, through Uncle K and HXG Diluc.
According to the information, Chlorinde is likely to be an on-field DPS character. Also, regarding her skill of summoning a gun during battle, you probably already used it in the cutscene of Fontaine’s Genie Mission.
Assuming the information you may already be familiar with is
correct, Chlorinde will be the second playable character since Chevreuse to use a gun in combat. Uncle K doesn’t have much information about his skill to summon guns.

However, another source, Foul, shared some interesting details about her elemental skills and constellations. According to information from Foul, Clorinde is likely using her elemental skills while holding a gun. After that, she gets into a stance to charge at the enemy and pierce her with her sword.

Additionally, it has an invincibility frame that allows her to take no damage while charging at her opponent. They also have her elemental skills that deal a fair amount of damage. This differs from previous information that Clorinde kit could become an overload dps.

Genshin 4.7 Banners- Clorinde Kit

Chlorinde kit – According to sources, she is not limited to fire and electric reactions, so she can be used on teams other than overload reactions. On the other hand, it is said that Clorinde’s 1 convex triggers some additional attack when used with a normal attack, but unfortunately there is no information regarding this attack. According to the latest information, when her 2 convex is released, Grants immunity to interruptions, but we don’t know what kind of interruptions. Sources also state that she has the same three-layer reaction as Nuvillette, but that reaction is electric. Nuvillette’s first passive. According to the article, if a party member causes a reaction such as evaporative freeze electric shock to an enemy, Nuvillette will gain a certain stack, which will increase the damage of his heavy attacks, so it is similar to Chlorinde kit performance. All of this information is based on beta data and should be taken as a guide only. However, we hope to see more accurate information regarding Chlorinde kit performance when the 4.7 beta is scheduled to be released on April 24th. More details are expected. Please subscribe to the channel for the latest information.



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